10 amazing ideas to stay positive in pandemic

Since the first case discovered in December 2019,  the world has indeed been on a roller coaster ride. CoronaVirus has become a nightmare due to its extremely contagious and deadly nature. People are thus forced to be on quarantine at home.
Most of us have never been considered to stay at home for months at a time. Yet, now it has become mandatory to stay at home to prevent the spread of this virus.

Table of Contents:

*The Home Quarantine Can Affect Your Mental Health.
*Tips to remain Stress Free During this Pandemic.
1. What is the  Super Tonic for all the mental health issues?
2. Yoga and exercise makes you physically fit and strong.
3.Maintain a healthy diet.
4. The attitude of gratitude can help a lot.
5. Shun your sins and Appreciate your decency
6. Eradicate negativity from you.
7. Don’t forget to count the blessings.
8. Spend time with family.
9. Lend a helping hand.
10. Who is the inspiration source?

Home Quarantine Can Affect Your Mental Health

As there is a lot of information going around on tv channels and the internet, it can sometimes be overwhelming and scary.
We are near the mid of 2021, but life is still not normal especially when a kith or kin is a patient, managing financial conditions, dealing with work, adjusting to the environment, etc. Such a scenario is very challenging and difficult and can cause stress and anxiety issues.

Tips to remain Stress Free During this Pandemic

1.MEDITATION- As a Super Tonic

Meditation is a sure shot way to get rid of various types of mental health issues. We feel calm inside out, our Body, Mind and Soul get relaxed.
It is a well known fact that those who meditate are less prone to mental disorders. Meditation works a 100% stress reliever medicine. Practicing meditation increases mindfulness which ultimately helps you sought out daily life issues more easily and worry less.
– Practicing Meditation along with Pranayama is a natural way for building Self-Confidence and its practice ensures enhanced oxygen supply to body tissues and brain. Thus it makes you feel more energetic and positive.
– It has been found that those who meditate regularly have increased levels of serotonin which has been proven to provide long lasting happiness.
– When you meditate continuously, you stop craving for short term wishes, instead you start feeling a state of calmness and tranquility. When you step up in Spirituality, all the negative thoughts fade away
– Meditation with pranayama boosts your immunity and helps you fight diseases. So find a peaceful corner at your home and spend at least 1 hour a day meditating.

Source: https://daveasprey.com/benefits-of-meditation-how-to-meditate/

2. Routine Exercises and Pranayama:-

i.) Exercising helps release endorphins within our body, which play an important role in elevating your mood and keeping a positive attitude
ii.) Prefer Pranayam for atleast 15 minutes in our daily regimen both morning and evening.
iii.) Plan your day and stick to schedules, and do not skip this activity. Jogging and Stretching Exercises and Yoga keep us fit and mind calm.

3. Maintain a healthy diet.

When you’re feeling hungry in the mid of the meals, it is easy to eat sugary donuts or the packet of chips that are not good for you. Keep a healthy snack beside you to satisfy your urge. Go for Vitamin C rich Diets, Salads, nuts, cheeze and pistachios etc. which will serve as snack as well as increase your immunity.

4. The Attitude of Gratitude can help a lot.

In the whirlwind of negativities and mishappenings, we tend to get easily stressed and worried.  But an attitude of gratitude is like medicine to these worries. When things are not working as you imagined, Just try to flip the coin and see the other side of the situation how you can make the best of the situation. For eg., Though various offices are shut in a pandemic, we have got the hub of Online education, online businesses,  youtube businesses, etc. So when the times are tough, one should become tougher, make the best of opportunity, and move on.

5. Shun your sins and Appreciate your decency:-

Study yourself which is important for your mental health. Meditate for 5 minutes and then think for some time about your actions and thoughts you went through whole day. Judge yourself and eliminate the negativities inside you. Win over your bad habits and this will surely enhance your confidence and improve the way you see the world.

6. Eradicate negativity from you.

Today youth easily gets depressed over trivial issues and is surrounded by suicidal thoughts. Tension is not a solution to any problem, in fact, it invites bigger problems.
So Keep your emotions positive. Sometimes Negative feelings overpower positivity. One can feel positivity by participating in attending spiritual discourses, doing  welfare acts and regular meditation.

7. Don’t forget to count the blessings.

Even if you are stuck at home, always remember to count the blessings you have.  Take time to appreciate nature – the sunrise, the stars, the night sky, flowers blooming, etc. Always remember, even after days of rainfall, the sun has to shine one day. Similarly, the dark days will end soon and we will all be over this one day.

8. Spend time with the family.

This is a great opportunity for every workaholic to spend time with family. Play games with the kids and family. Engage your children in reading religious books and biographies of great saints and people. You can play quiz and competitions based on religious hymns and history with children which in turn will inculcate good values in your children.

9. Lend a helping hand.

If you are privileged and have resources that  can aid somebody in trouble, go for it. Donate blood whenever needed. Reach to the needy people and try to provide food , clothes and shelter to them. If you can, try to arrange the necessary medical equipment or medicines for needy especially when nation is facing such a huge crisis.
Feed animals and birds nearby you and arrange water and fodder for them. Most importantly, maintain a sense of respect for all the corona warriors out there who are fighting day and night to protect the lives. Salute them whenever possible and encourage them. Provide juice and fruits to all the warriors from doctors to the drivers of ambulances.
This will surely provide you a sense of satisfaction and lasting happiness.

10. Who is the inspiration source?

The above amazing tips have been given by Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. Saint Dr. MSG have been guiding millions of followers about pandemic through various letters. Inspired by his pious teachings, Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers are continuously fighting to overcome the situation by protecting themselves, following all guidelines, sanitizing the cities, donating blood, planting trees as well as encouraging the corona warriors.


We all are in this together and we will surely overcome this together.

Writing credits: Lovepreet Arora

Published by Intelcation

Writing is the best way to express your inner voice.

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