World Blood Donor Day 2021: Millions are keeping the world beating

“ You are a piece of the puzzle of someone else’s life. You may never know where you fit, but others will fill the holes in their lives with pieces of you.” -Bonnie Arbon
We all play a part in the lives of others, whether we realize it or not. We all fit somewhere, somehow, sometimes in various unique ways.
Donations in any form can flourish lives and reshape the futures of individuals and their families. When a donor donates his blood for the wellbeing of another person, it gives him hope and it is a heroic life-saving act.

Table of Contents

  1. Blood is needed every day.
  2. When is World Blood Donor Day?
  3. Donating blood is not scary, but magical.
  4. Who can be a Blood Donor?
  5. Passion for blood donation established milestones.
  6. World Records in Blood Donation.
  7. Let no one die due to a shortage of blood.
  8. Each one of us can do our part.
  9. Conclusion

Blood is needed every day.

Every day, people need blood for life-threatening illnesses, blood disorders, traumatic injuries, hereditary disorders, and other conditions.
The Covid-19 pandemic has complicated the situation as it has depleted the country’s blood supply. Blood banks across the nation are operating below capacity, and many lives are paying the price.
Critical Covid-19 patients require life-saving blood and some need blood products like plasma and platelets for transfusions for multiple reasons.
Blood products are used during surgery for accidents and other trauma. Patients with chronic conditions, like sickle cell anemia, require transfusions throughout their lives. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy often require frequent transfusions. Also, sometimes blood is needed to save a pregnant person’s life.

When is World Blood Donor Day?

Healthcare professionals cannot succeed without the appropriate tools and supplies. Blood is not synthesized in a fancy medical factory, it comes from generous donors. There is no substitute for human blood and hence can be collected from the human body only.
World Blood Donor Day is celebrated every year on 14th June to make the world aware of the importance of regular blood donation to save lives.
The theme of World Blood Donor Day 2021 is ‘Give blood and keep the world beating’.
There is no doubt that in the Corona pandemic, humanity has faced the worst scenario ever. We are still fighting the virus and struggling for lives. So it’s time that we play our part as human beings, save lives by donating blood and keep the world-beating.

Donating blood is not scary, but magical.

Donating blood is not as scary as it sounds but it comes with several benefits.
Donating blood does not cause any kind of weakness or deficiency. Donating blood makes you healthier and free from various diseases. It boosts Overall Cardiovascular health and improves blood circulation. Donating blood regularly reduces the chances of getting heart attacks. Blood donation reduces the risk of certain types of cancer. It boosts the production of Red Blood Cells and aids in fighting hemochromatosis.
Blood donation helps you lower the cholesterol level and helps in weight loss.

Apart from the health benefits, one gets eternal happiness too. The feeling that you saved somebody’s life, is wonderful and provides you long-lasting happiness.

Who can be a Blood Donor?

Anyone can donate blood above 18 years of age and has met the following eligibility criteria for blood donation :

  1. The age of the donor should be more than 18 years and less than 65 years of age
  2. The donor must weigh more than 50 kg.
  3. The donor should be healthy and should not suffer from some specific chronic disorder.
  4. Pregnant women should not donate blood.

Passion for blood donation knows no boundaries.

Blood donation is a noble act of humanity and should be done by every healthy person. In a world where people are ready to shed blood aimlessly, in senseless conflicts and violence, some people donate blood to keep the world-beating. Dear Sacha Sauda, Sirsa is an organization where the passion to serve has no boundaries. Millions of people donate blood regularly whenever and wherever blood is needed. People here have pledged that they will donate blood quarterly in a year. Moreover, they will be always ready to help in emergencies wherever possible.

World Records in Blood Donation.

Dera Sacha Sauda has established milestones in serving humanity.
Of the 79 world records held by the Dera Sacha Sauda in the field of humanity, 8 world records are dedicated to blood donation. Out of which three records are Guinness World Records. Dera Sacha Sauda organized the largest blood donation drive to encourage blood donation inspired by the teachings of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.
The three largest blood donation drives in the world were from Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa, Haryana where thousands of people participated enthusiastically and donated blood.
The volunteers are also nicknamed True Blood Pumps by Guruji as they are fully committed to this noble act of blood donation.

Let no one die due to a shortage of blood.

The Volunteers of Dera Sacha Sauda have contributed their bit to the fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic by organizing voluntary blood donations. These people tried every bit to safeguard the community in these difficult times. They have stood true to their pledge and have been donating thousands of units of blood to help the hospitals and blood banks fulfill their blood requirements.
They have followed safety protocols, social distancing, and hygiene practices during blood donation.

Each one of us can do our part.

As the world grinds through the struggling days of the pandemic, each one of us can do our role. A ten-minute blood donation can save up to three lives. Let kindness be more contagious than coronavirus.


We must all do what we can, for humanity and to spread positivity. We must play our part to fit in because, in the end, we are all pieces of the same puzzle.

Writing credits: Lovepreet Arora

Published by Intelcation

Writing is the best way to express your inner voice.

2 thoughts on “World Blood Donor Day 2021: Millions are keeping the world beating

  1. दुनिया में भ्रम फैला हुआ है कि रक्तदान करने से कमजोरी आती है लेकिन ऐसा करने से कमजोरी नहीं इंसान के अंदर नया खून बनता है और उससे शारीरिक रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता भी बढ़ती है है


  2. खून दान महा दान खून हमे जरूर दान करना चाहिए क्योंकि इससे बनाया नही जा सकता केवल दान किया जा सकता है
    पुज्य संत डाँ गुरमीत राम रहीम सिंह जी इन्सां की पावन प्रेरणा पर चलते हुए
    डेरा सच्चा सौदा के करोड़ों अनुआई लाखो यूनिट दान करते हैं और लाखो लोगो की सहायता करते हैं


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