Father’s Day Special : A Spiritual father who transformed millions of lives

Dad is the strength we rely on as we take our first steps into the world. A father is the solid foundation of our lives. Fathers provide a comforting shoulder to lean on in times of trouble when our world goes down. For daughters, Dad is the first man they adore and for sons, he is the idol they first wish to emulate.
It’s father’s day – a day to honor the most secure place in the world for a child. Every father nurtures his children with the utmost care and love. So here I want to tell you about father and the messiah for millions who shields them from all troubles and shadows them from all the sorrows.

Table of Contents

  1. Let us know about the guardian angel of Millions, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan
  2. Thou showed the right path to millions.
  3. Saint Dr. MSG taught the true life lessons of spiritualism and humanity.
  4. Thy love has no boundaries.
  5. Thou adopted the abandoned.
  6. Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan reformed the lives and uplifted the downtrodden.
  7. Thy love makes one rise and conquer.
  8. Thy benevolence is infinite.
  9. Millions feel fortunate to have an all-rounder father.

Let us know about the guardian angel of Millions, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

Saint incarnate on Earth for the welfare of people. For them, every soul is their child and they love everyone without any bias. Saints hold the hands of their children and guide them till infinity. More than 65 million people feel eternally grateful to have got their Spiritual Father in Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan whom they call “Pita Ji”. True Saint always sees his children as young and cares for them every moment of their lives and beyond. He is there for them in every situation whatever may come.

Thou showed the right path to millions

The teachings of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Ji Insan are the light, which can lighten up a whole universe in darkness. His Holiness taught the method of meditation to millions of people to increase willpower. Enhanced willpower is the solution to every problem in the world. Meditation is the food to the soul and key to tranquility. Millions of lives have been reformed with the regular practice of meditation. People can overcome their fears, anxieties, and even deadly diseases with the power of meditation. Saint Dr. MSG guided people to stay away from alcohol, to shun non-vegetarian and adopt vegetarianism, and to have good moral conduct.

Saint Dr. MSG taught the true life lessons of spiritualism and humanity.

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan awakened the world with true knowledge. Dera Sacha Sauda represents the confluence of all religions where humanity is taught. Saint Dr. MSG is the headmaster of this spiritual college where people come and leave their evils to learn the lessons of spirituality and humanity. Guruji taught the way of living in the true sense to millions by arranging spiritual congregation. About 134 welfare works including blood donation, cleanliness campaign, tree plantation, providing relief during disasters, providing free ration to needy ones, making homes for homeless, etc. are being done by these people under His pious guidance.

Thy love has no boundaries.

Worldly relationships may come to an end one day but the relationship with Guru never ends. Sometimes even the parents who give birth fail to provide selfless and pure love, but the love of a true Guru is unconditional and knows no boundaries. He is like a cool shade amidst a burning desert, who cools down every traveler with his majestic guidance and utmost care. He loves God’s creations without any selfish motive and spends all his time for their welfare. A father may sometime forget to take care of his children But Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan aka “Pita Ji” holds millions in his prayers and thoughts not just in this world but also beyond this life.

Pitaji fulfilled the earnest desire in dream

Thou adopted the abandoned.

Saint Dr. MSG saved many girls from destitution and imminent foeticide. They have been the victims of societal gender discrimination. Guruji adopted such girls and become their legal guardians. These girls are known as royal daughters of Dera Sacha Sauda. Moreover, Guruji also adopted many orphan children and takes care of them with utmost love. These boys and girls are provided with world-class facilities to live and study. Many of these children motivated by Guruji have brought laurels to the nation in sports and academics.

Image source: https://www.derasachasauda.org/royal-daughters/

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan reformed the lives and uplifted the downtrodden.

Saint Dr. MSG traveled city to city and held many spiritual congregations. His holiness awakened people to shun their evils and directed them on the path of spirituality. Guruji reformed the lives of tribals of remote areas of the country who were completely uncivilized. His holiness adopted villages struck in natural calamities and reshaped them. The third gender, which was neglected by the society, came to be recognized and respected, all because of various efforts put by Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. Guruji adopted girls struck in prostitution, rescued them, and got them married in good families.

Read more at: https://www.derasachasauda.org/prostitution-eradication/

Thy love and guidance makes one rise and conquer.

Saint Dr. MSG is the inspiration source and powerhouse for millions. Millions of His children/disciples from various fields present their professional, personal curiosities and doubts in front of His holiness and get their issues solved. Guruji suggests them solutions that are unique yet easy to follow. Those who stick to these valuable tips, definitely taste success. It has been only because of the directions shown by Saint Dr. MSG that players were able to conquer international matches and bring laurels to the nation without any professional coach. Thus, These players very fondly call Saint Dr. MSG “Papa Coach”.

Thy benevolence is infinite.

One can never pay back the benevolence of a True Guru. One should always be grateful for that fatherly figure who showed the right path in life. Fathers’ day comes as one day every year but fathers must be respected every day. Thus millions of children of Saint Dr. MSG need to follow His pious teachings and shun their evils, as told to them by their Headmaster.

Millions feel fortunate to have an all-rounder father.

The unconditional love of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan for His disciples is the panacea for every problem and tension. His love is the reason millions are treading the path of humanity enthusiastically. Thus these people are going to thank their father by performing welfare deeds. They are going to plant trees, feed the hungry, help the needy, donate blood, etc. The pious teachings are keeping the spirit of humanity alive in this era. Let’s get inspired by them and work for humanity.

Writing credits: Lovepreet Arora

Published by Intelcation

Writing is the best way to express your inner voice.

2 thoughts on “Father’s Day Special : A Spiritual father who transformed millions of lives

  1. धन्य हैं ऐसे गुरु पापा ग्जिन्होंने हमें इस प्रकार की दुनिया में जीने का ढंग सिखाया जी और हमारे गुनाह भरी जिंदगी से तौबा कर आकर हमें अच्छे ढंग से रहना और हमारी जिंदगी खुशियों से भर दी है


  2. मेरे प्यारे पिता संत डॉक्टर एमएसजी मुझे हर तरह के संकट से बचा कर रखते हैं आने वाले सभी प्रकार के आपदा को पहले ही दूर कर देते हैं मुझे गर्व है अपने पापा एमएसजी पर जो हर समय हमारी सम्भाल करते हैं।


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