Father of millions: Saint Dr MSG

Our Father is our pride. He is our guide in all worlds. He is the one who makes our lives brighten even more than sunshine, whose name gives us warmth, whose teachings lead us on right path, who gives us forever protection, who inspires us and fills our hearts with gratefulness, love and compassion, who is the treasure of wisdom, who is the strongest than the strongest mountains. He is the only one whom we, millions of his children, call our father with great pride. Do you know who is our father? He is Saint Dr. MSG. Although we are not related to our Guru Papa by blood, our bond with him transcends worldly relations, defying time and space. He is the one who makes us feel the warmth and protection in the word, “Father”. Those children are lucky who share such strong bond with their father to be able to feel this way. We are the luckiest because we share such strong connection with our adorable Guru Papa that can never break, no matter what happens. The world celebrates Father’s Day once a year, but we celebrate Father’s Day every day thanks to such amazing and the best Papa in the world!


Fatherly love, motherly care

Saint Dr. MSG plays multiple roles for us—a father, a mother, a friend and a True Master. Guru Papa’s fatherly love and motherly care are unwavering shields against any challenges that life throws at us. Our shadow can leave us alone, but our Guru Papa never leaves our side and keeps us protected in the present and from unforeseen future. Even real parents can’t do it. They can only take care of their child until the child grows up and becomes independent, but our Guru Papa has promised to never leave our hand even after our death and he keeps his promise, which an ordinary parent can’t do. He is our Guru Papa after all! His care is not bound by circumstances, sense of responsibility or selfishness. It extends beyond our understanding. Saint Dr. MSG’s love vanishes our darkness, our fears, our doubts and our limitations. His love isn’t selfish; we bask in its warmth every day.


The Life Lessons of Our MSG Papa are precious than Life

Saint Dr. MSG’s benevolence knows no bounds. As a caring father, our MSG Papa shields us from life’s storms, imparting invaluable lessons along the way. His pious teachings have taught us to shun negativity and embrace love, kindness, and selflessness. Through his Spiritual Discourses, Saint Dr. Msg imparts us such lessons, which make us think over our actions if we are doing anything wrong and bring us on right path. His tireless and selfless service to humanity, with the various humanitarian activities that Guru Papa has initiated and motivates us to partake in them, speaks louder than words that he is a true philanthropist. He teaches us that spirituality isn’t confined to one religion and no religion is different from one another; all religions are same and teach about one Almighty; we all are humans and the offsprings of the Almighty.  Because of Saint Dr MSG’s pious and life-changing teachings, more and more people are shunning intoxicants and other vices and participate in welfare works with full zeal and zest. They are living the happiest and the most peaceful lives.


Our MSG Papa has given us the most precious Gift in form of the Method of Meditation

By giving us the Method of Meditation, Guru Papa has bestowed us with the most precious gift. With the regular practice of the Method of Meditation, we are able to unlock hidden reservoirs of willpower (soul power) and self-confidence within us. Willpower gives us the strength to face any difficulty with smile and positive attitude. This miraculous Method of Meditation helps us succeed in every field, whether it’s studies, sports, work or household. 


Saint Dr. MSG has transformed our lives like a Miracle

Imagine a life full of darkness, a life marred by vices and wrong turns that is waiting for its end. Such was the situation of millions of lives, until Saint Dr. MSG came in their lives. Guru Papa extended his hand, guided us away from darkness and illuminated our lives with the light of his knowledge and selfless love. The moment we got his grace is the pivotal moment for us that changed our destiny and we found purpose in our lives. Without him, we would have been lost. Without him, we would have been scummed to the darkness surrounding us. Whenever life’s problems threaten us, Saint Dr. MSG’s gentle whispercoming from within our hearts and minds leads us toward the solution and empowers us. He saves us even before we fall. His divine presence assures us 24/7 that he is with us and we enjoy our lives with the feeling of pure happiness that is hard to find for many these days.


We are Thankful and Grateful to have such a Guru Papa in our Lives

We are grateful and thankful to our MSG Papa and proudly say that we are the devotees and children of the best Guru Papa in the world. The only aim of MSG Papa’s life is to make this world better and peaceful where there is no one sad, everyone feels endless joy, no one is lost in vices and where humanity thrives. What our MSG Papa is doing for this world cannot be explained in words. An ordinary human doesn’t have the strength to usher in such a vast change. He is a true father whose love and affection we feel every moment, and who bestows us with his grace and benevolence without selfishness. Happy Father’s Day to our adorable MSG Papa!

Published by Intelcation

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