Here is how to build your fortune in the Year 2021

New Year is considered to be the new beginning for every person, wherein each one of us decides to start the year with new hopes, new resolutions and new zeal. The year 2021 is indeed special for all of us, especially after having faced the unknown in 2020. Corona, lockdown, learning to go back to basics, recognizing the importance of loved ones in our lives; it has indeed been a roller coaster ride for the whole world.
The year 2020 definitely brought us face to face with many unforeseen aspects of life. So indeed, we all want to start the year 2021 with the hope to rebuild our lives, this time even better than before; to enhance our luck, to strive to be the best and to build our fortune.

So what does it take to build the fortune?

Well, there are many aspects to it. Some of the common and well known aspects are: hard work, knowledge about ones field or being with the likeminded people.
Then what is it that we are going to tell you, that is different from all the above?
Well, the secret word is ‘Karma’. You might have heard or read that this earth is also referred to as the ‘Karmabhoomi’. Or you might have also heard the quote, ‘As you sow, so shall you reap’. The fortunes of human beings are driven by their present deeds as well as deeds from the past lives, but what we have in hand is only the current time and the ‘free will’ to utilize that time. So here we are going to talk about what all one can choose to do, such that the star of luck shines bright.

Serving the destitute

Never underestimate the power of blessings. There are many people who sleep hungry, try to feed them. There are many who sleep under the open sky even in this freezing cold, give them warm clothes and blankets. Help the needy children get their education by paying their fees or by providing them stationary items or by teaching them for free.
Every single help that you provide to a needy, earns you blessings from their heart and soul. And these blessings, my dear friends, are crucial to enhance your luck. These blessings will wipe off the negative karmas from your life and build your positive karmas.

Save Lives

As the quote goes, ‘Serving mankind is serving Almighty’, one must do everything possible in one’s capacity to save lives. So how can you do that? Well, there are many ways:
• Donate blood. If you are above the age of 18 and are a healthy individual, this is the best way to help your fellow beings. One can donate blood after every 3 months.

• Helping the accident victims. Often, many accident victims lose their lives on the roadside because no one comes forward to help them. If you come across such a case, call the ambulance or help provide first aid to the accident victims. There is no better deed than saving a life.

• Save Animals and Birds. It is not just the humans that need our help, the animals and birds too need our support. One can keep water and feed for both, birds as well as stray animals on designated places, so that these voiceless animals too can fill their stomachs. In case you find a sick or injured animal, try to help provide first aid to them.
Remember, every time you help someone, the well of your fortune gets filled. And the more good deeds you do, the more brownie points you earn.

Serving Mother Earth

There is only one planet Earth, we live on it and the responsibility to keep it healthy and clean lies with us. If we do our responsibility well, the future generations will thank us for leaving them a livable planet. There are many steps that each one of us can take for the greater good of mother earth and our future generations:
• Plant maximum trees and saplings
• Avoid the use of polythene, use biodegradable options instead
• Limit the use of harmful pesticides and chemical fertilizers
• Avoid air pollution and water pollution
• Do not burn stubble in fields
• Keep the surroundings clean, do not litter around places
• Conserve water and electricity

Meditate and Pray

Prayers are powerful, prayers heal, prayers purify one’s inner self and give the faith to walk the unknown paths of life with confidence, so pray. Incorporate meditation as a form of prayer or as a form of pranayam. Both will benefit you in every field of life.

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All these acts are simple and easy to achieve, we only need to use our will power and awaken the humanity within. Your simple act of kindness will not only help someone in need, but will also result in the transformation of your fortune. And very soon, you will see the virtues of peace, rational thinking and purity unrevealing within yourself along with a major boost in your luck and fortune. So let’s not wait any further, let’s start this New Year by taking one step towards doing one simple act of kindness.
So here is to new beginnings, wishing you a very Happy New Year 2021.

Published by Intelcation

Writing is the best way to express your inner voice.

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